January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month
January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Trafficking in persons is a particular type of violence that is pervasive yet widely misunderstood. It affects every country, including the United States. In 2019, there were 11,500 tips of human trafficking reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. (Keep in mind, these numbers represent only those cases that were reported to the hotline. Actual numbers are probably much higher.)
The National Human Trafficking Hotline number is 1 (888) 373-7888.
Unfortunately, due to many misconceptions about this issue, trafficked persons often go unnoticed. For example, it is a common misperception that victims are locked away or hidden, but they are often in plain sight. Trafficking cases have been reported in visible settings such as bars and cantinas, carnivals and amusement parks, and hair and nail salons. Also, trafficked persons may not reach out for help because they may blame themselves, feel stigmatized, don’t know their rights in America, view their situation as their only means of survival, or have a complicated bond with their trafficker. You can learn more HERE.
Golden Grain Bakery Donates Pastries to Frontline Hospital Staff

On January 11th, Karina from Golden Grain Bakery and Cafe visited Glendale Memorial Hospital and donated 200 pastries to boost the spirits of our frontline caregivers during these very challenging times.
Donations for our staff are greatly appreciated and we thank our community members for showing their support of our health care heroes!
Glendale Memorial Donates $31,000 to Armenia Relief Society - Western Region

On December 21st Glendale Memorial Health Foundation donated over $31,000 to the ARS Western Region. The donation was made possible through the generous support of Glendale Memorial Hospital employees, physicians, and community members. We are so grateful for our partnership with the ARS of Western USA. Special thank you to everyone who made this donation possible! #Hellohumankindness

Give to Care 2020 was a huge success thanks to our sponsors, donors and amazing performers. We were able to raise over $50,000 for Dignity Health Hospitals!
Adopt A Student Program Provides Books for Cerritos Elementary |
Glendale Memorial Hospital did not let the COVID-19 pandemic lessen their holiday spirit. Nearly 500 books, donated by hospital employees, were delivered to Cerritos Elementary. Thanks to SANTA and his helpers – Glendale Memorial Hospital President, Jill Welton, Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis, and Glendale Fire Chief Silvio Lanzas – each student grades pre-K through 6th grade will receive a new book.
Learn more »
Glendale Memorial Begins Vaccine Distribution to Health Care Workers |
December was a special month because GMHHC health care workers were amongst the first to get a COVID-19 vaccine at Dignity Health - Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center. A big shout out to those who helped administer the vaccine, including Hospital President Jill Welton, MSN, RN, and Chief Nursing Executive, Ron Yolo, MSN, MBA, RN. We now see a light at the end of the tunnel thanks to the remarkable effort by researchers, scientists and health care providers.
Women of Dignity Health Inspiration Series - February 25th
Join the Women of Dignity Health on Thursday, February 25th via Zoom for an Inspiration Series Event with guest speaker Dr. Heather Backstorm.
Learn more about Dr. Backstorm Here.

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you'll ever know.” — A.A. Milne |